Abstract reasoning free books

Abstract Reasoning 



Though there are various types of problems but the fundamental concept for each type is the same. In every figure, there is a step by step change which follows a sequence.


Type-A: Four problem figure series.
Type-B: Five problem figure series.

Type1:A definite relationship between elements in given figures.

Type 2. Additions of elements
In these type of questions, each figure is obtained by either sustaining the
element of preceding figure as it is or adding a part of element or one element or more than one element of the preceding figure in a systematic way.

Type 3. Increase /decrease of element In these questions, the items in the diagrams either increase or decrease in number.

Type 4. Deletion of element 
In these type of questions, each figure is obtained by either sustaining
the element of preceding figure as it is or deleting a part of an element or
one element or more than one element of the preceding figure in a
systematic way.

Type 5:Rotation types
The various elements in the diagrams move in a specific manner. They
may rotate in clockwise or anti clockwise direction.

Type 6:Replacement of elements In these type of questions, each figure is obtained by either sustaining the element of preceding figure as it is or replacing a part of element or one element or more than one element by a new element of the preceding figure in a systematic way.

The above mentioned types are generally asked problems in MBA CET, SSC, RAIL, FCI etc. Now a days the Non-verbal question / abstract reasoning test are popularly  asked in various compteative exams. 

Abstract Reasoning Example1

Option ( 2) the arrow which is in the top and the bottom arrow of the next figure or in alternate figures vanishes and a new figure takes the position. The arrows in the middle interchange their positions in a particular 
sequence. With following the particular sequence we get that the exact answer of this series be option (2).

means corresponding, in this chapter on analogy a pair of related figures is provided and a similar relationship is to be established between two other figures by selecting from a set of alternative figures. 

Examples of Analogy:
Abstract Reasoning Example : 2

Solution : option (2) the black leaf rotates 135 degree clock wise and white leaf rotates 45 degree clock wise. A new white leaf attached with black leaf at 90 degree

▪CLASSIFICATION : In this portion of chapter we deal with problems of odd-man-out type. We are given a set of figures such that all except one has similar characteristics features, we are required to select the figure which differs from all other figures in the 

given set.
Abstract Reasoning Example:3

Solution: option ( a) is the answer as all other figure can be rotated into each others

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▪Practice more : One must practice atleast 50 problems a day providing excellent ebooks for abstract reasoning with ample problems.abstract reasoning tips and techniques can only be learn by enough practice 

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